So much has happened since my last post, but I will not bore anyone with the mundanity of my personal life, except for the fact I may have finally have an honest-to-gods paranormal experience! Kind of!! I believe this to be the result of my intense meditations and studies last month while in deepest darkest Chile.
In Chile, I was face-to-face with Father Time, Death itself. My very elderly father passed away at age 96. He had several ailments fighting claim his life, including cancer, but it was his age that finally caught up with him Time had run out on his life and it was up to me and my family to find meaning in it all, settle his affairs, and lay him to rest.
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"Popeye", drawn by my father |
I joked with my mother that I now believe in Death; my father was already so old when I was born that I believed that he would outlive me. It was a long ongoing joke in my family too. But seeing him finally gone brought certain painful thoughts into crystal clear focus; although Time may very well be limitless, we can only hold a bit of it in our pitiful mitts, and the joke was on me the whole time.
My father and I were never super close, not since I was very young anyway. We all mourn in different ways, but I barely mourned at all if I'm honest. He lived a long life, and he had a whole life before I was even born. I didn't know him as well as he would have liked, but I always felt our relationship was perfect the way it was. He was a neglectful father, but rather than judge him for the things he didn't do, I'd rather judge him for the things he didn't do!
Sure he wasn't around much, but he also never yelled at me, he never sent me to my room, and we never had an argument, and he never did any of the things I hear about when it pertains to abusive father/child relationships. In all honesty, if he was around more often I probably wouldn't like him very much, so keeping a distance was probably the best choice!
I hope dad finds Slack in the hereafter. He had it rough in his later years. I'm really grateful for my family in Chile who managed to be there for him when I couldn't be.
After suffering through what felt like endless ego-death, transitioning my life to familiar-but-new surroundings, and also dealing with the stressful familial responsibilities of my fathers passing, I found myself going through all too recognizable body pains. Numbness in my fingers, my leg, and a never ceasing throbbing in the back of my brain. Even after various examinations with doctors and medical professionals, psychics, and Spiritists; they could not find the source of my ailments. Something tells me though, this true source of my ailments is simply time chipping away at my life, leaving crumbs of my spirit for the Elder Gods to nibble on.
It should be common knowledge for any properly ordained SubGenius member at this point that the Elder Gods feast upon the sorrow and pain of mortals. It's not like nutritious or anything, our suffering is more like Doritos, malt liquor, tobacco, or something like that. Our mortal souls are the junk food for the Elder Gods.
While in Chile last month, I spent a great duration of my time communing with these hideous and blasphemous Elder Gods, specifically, the Old Gods of Chile; the Elemental deities who have long ignored in their own homeland. In retaliation for this, They beam down the hottest, most grueling sun rays, and shake things up with the occasional quake. In all honesty, this sucks, and I spent a good portion of my mental powers just trying to calm them down. I feel as though I was able to find an equilibrium with these angry old gods, and find a way to share my Slack with them.
JHVH-1 was of course, around, but He was hardly any help (as usual). What a pain in the ass though. Like, if anything, Ol' Jehovah Prime made things worse! As usual! Jehovah was challenging my very existence, flaunting my various ailments in front of me, making me incurably ill during my time in South America; but I prevailed! (Just barely, but a win's a win, you know?)
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Ovalle, Chile |
That's not to say that deepest darkest Chile isn't beautiful. Although a majority of my trip was filled with grief and pain, there were good times and beautiful scenery to be enjoyed. Chile is a beautiful country to behold, really. There are so many different climates to enjoy, the air is crisp and clean, and the food is especially delicious. Chileans are bread eating people and if you're ever in Chile look for a bakery that sells "Doblados", which is folded bread filled with lard. That's the tastiest ingredient of all! Eat lard until your arteries and veins all explode, that's what I say!
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Chilean breads and snacks |
I could go on and on about the food to be honest, but I'm a sucker for a good sandwich. At the airport in Santiago, I had one of the best sandwiches of my life. Appropriately named Until the End of the World, this sandwich was the stuff of dreams for me. A fried fish (hake) sandwich, with lettuce, Chilean salad (tomatoes and onions), tartar sauce, on nigella sesame bread. Delicious. So simple, but delicious. I plan on recreating this sandwich at some point. The fish is fried tempura-style, so it's light and fluffy.
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"Until the End of the World" |
Upon my return, all my pains returned with me. Maybe spending a month stressing about life and death, drowning my sorrows in lard-filled bread and fried fish sandwiches wasn't particularly good for my health. I was extremely fatigued, to say the very least. Additionally, I was unable to fall asleep. This is fairly common for me so I reached for my reliable cure-all, a combination of weed, red wine, and melatonin! I call this concoction Wielatonin, and it always does the trick! Normally, a solid dose of Wielatonin will wipe away any stubborn consciousness I have in my system and leave me within the warm, Slack-filled embrace of anti-sobriety. Sigh, sweet bliss.
But this was different, the pulsing in the back of my brain was booming harder than usual, and after a dose of Wielatonin I found myself in that liminal space between unconscious and consciousness. This twilight realm where I am super aware that I am and what my body is trying to accomplish, but true rest was not an option that night. I found myself hearing voices.
The pounding in the back of my brain was now a steady beat, and this beat danced with the voice in my head:
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"Space Alien 15", Alien Clipart |
"Greetings [Jellyfoot]. We have chosen to sound like familiar voices so as not to scare you. These voices are the ones you hear regularly from that [podcast] you enjoy.We have chosen you to be our Emissary and to bring a New Message to your world! Please listen to our.."
And the very nanosecond I heard that, I said nah. I shook myself awake, rolled out of bed, and stumbled my way to the bathroom where I splashed cold water on my face. I'm good, honest. I'm super good. I don't need to be the Emissary for some unknown force, and I don't need to know whatever this New Message is. I'm fine, I got other stuff on my plate to be honest. These forces, whatever they are, they can find another patsy.
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Billiken-1, God of Things As They Ought to Be |
Besides, I'm already an Emissary! I am a student of J. R. "Bob" Dobbs! I'm the High Exalted & Most Beloved Grand Poobah of my own Monastery where I exalt Billiken-1, daily! I am in no need of any "cosmic message" or whatever.
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J. R. "Bob" Dobbs |
Honestly, "Bob" is better suited to deal with cosmic horrors and space messengers, I'm happy with my bit of spiritual work as it is thank you. I'm just a humble cultist, and I don't aspire to be anything but, for now.